Tuesday Talk
ZoomJoin the Thiel College SLP students to chat about a variety of fun topics! This session will meet every Tuesday. FACILITATOR(S): Jeanette Benigas
Join the Thiel College SLP students to chat about a variety of fun topics! This session will meet every Tuesday. FACILITATOR(S): Jeanette Benigas
Writing and texting are great ways to gather your thoughts and get your point across. Let’s practice our writing skills to improve communication. Get your pen and paper, keyboards or smartphones ready! FACILITATOR(S): Nundini Patel
Persons with aphasia and their families often identify a key goal in communication as improving the ability to have conversations with others. Conversation goes well beyond informing people of wants and needs.…
What holidays do you celebrate? Holidays around the world give people a reason to come together, eat good foods, and celebrate life. Join us to look at some well-known holidays from around the world. FACILITATOR(S): Melissa Edrich
This session is for CAREGIVERS ONLY. Life as a care-partner for someone with aphasia brings gifts and challenges, and the journey ahead can be deeply meaningful. You don’t need to…